
A Letter from Our CEO

Today I’m revealing something new.

We’ve been working on it for 5 months.

We spent a million dollars creating it.

And you’re going to get it for free.

But first, let me tell you a short story.

4 years ago, I wanted to start a community.

I announced a “meetup” in Manila, Philippines.

And honestly, I didn’t expect anybody to show up.

But to my surprise, 40 people came!

And this community was not only fun, but educational too.

People learned from each other, made friends and connections for life.

People were at the center of all of this. (“Nas” actually means “People” in Arabic).

After that, I started hundreds of other communities both online and offline.

Communities for writers, for video makers, for business people, for NFT creators…

For people all around the world!

But we faced a major problem:

Building a community on the Internet is harder than it looks.

We had to figure out Zoom for events.

We had to manage chats on WhatsApp.

We had to deal with Google Drive for courses.

We had to spend hours playing around in MailChimp to send out 1 email.

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    It was sooooo much boring, admin work?! I almost went nuts.

    That’s when I decided, enough is enough. We are going to solve this problem.

    We are going to make it super easy to bring people together…

    Online and offline.

    So we found the best team in the world to come together and build…

    The easiest way to start, manage, and scale an online community. Period. is designed for you and me.

    It is designed for:

    • Creators who want to start a fandom.
    • Businesses who want to manage customers.
    • Teachers who want to run a class.
    • Gamers who want to start a guild.
    • And NFT peeps who want to start a collection!

    On, everything takes 2 clicks:

    • Integrate with WhatsApp, Discord, and Facebook Groups.
    • Host your Zoom events.
    • Upload your courses.
    • Email and text your members from one platform.
    • Build a public page to house your community.
    • Use a mobile app for convenience.
    • Accept payments in local currencies.
    • Token Gate your community.
    • What used to take us WEEKS of work…

    Now we can do in MINUTES.

    And I’ve personally never been so excited to announce that launches today!

    We’re giving community builders the chance to use our platform and build something that will add value to people’s lives.

    We’re accepting a limited number of communities. Tell us what you’d like to create and how you want to bring people together.

    Because now it’s up to you. We can’t wait to see how you bring people together.

    Request access today.

    – Nuseir Yassin

    Founder & CEO

    P.S. Notice a change in our name? We’re now officially Nas Company, the home of Nas Academy and

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