Chat Integrations

Supercharge your community chat

Take control over your community and its performance by adding the integration to your chat apps. Simple.

Chat Integrations

Supercharge your community chat

Take control over your community and its performance by adding the integration to your chat apps. Simple.

Chat Integrations

Supercharge your community chat

Take control over your community and its performance by adding the integration to your chat apps. Simple.

You're struggling with this

You're struggling with this

Lack of data

Struggling to get basic information to learn more about your members.

Chat limitations

Links get lost, information gets missed, and the chat is hard to navigate.

Basic features

The basic chat platform features are not cutting it for your needs.

When you should be using

The world’s leading Member Authenticator for chat apps

Imagine if you could verify payments on WhatsApp. Or automatically capture email on FB or Telegram. How about removing all the old NFT holders who are still in your Discord? Through our deep integrations, you can upgrade your existing community platform to be everything you dream of it to be.

Automatic member management and analytics

Spend more time doing what you love and less time on boring (but important) admin. has a comprehensive but user-friendly dashboard that anyone can use. Monitor your chat engagement to determine your community health, and find a list of your least or most active members with just 1 click.

Additional features for monetization and education

Clicking on random links is something that nobody wants to do, and yet it’s the only way to share information with members inside a chat app. With the integration, you can not only save hundreds of dollars in software subscriptions – you can actually make money by uploading a course or creating a live event in less than 3 minutes!.

"In less than 10 minutes I had a community set up with a dedicated landing page, events, resources and even a WhatsApp group all connected! It also has a great member signup experience where users enter directly into the WhatsApp or Discord Group. I also loved the feature Ruby AI, which uses AI to summarise WhatsApp conversations. It’s so powerful and valuable way to share content with members.”

"In less than 10 minutes I had a community set up with a dedicated landing page, events, resources and even a WhatsApp group all connected! It also has a great member signup experience where users enter directly into the WhatsApp or Discord Group. I also loved the feature Ruby AI, which uses AI to summarise WhatsApp conversations. It’s so powerful and valuable way to share content with members.”

"In less than 10 minutes I had a community set up with a dedicated landing page, events, resources and even a WhatsApp group all connected! It also has a great member signup experience where users enter directly into the WhatsApp or Discord Group. I also loved the feature Ruby AI, which uses AI to summarise WhatsApp conversations. It’s so powerful and valuable way to share content with members.”

Kristin D


Gather your people.

Gather your people.

Gather your people.

"In less than 10 minutes I had a community set up with a dedicated landing page, events, resources and even a WhatsApp group all connected! It also has a great member signup experience where users enter directly into the WhatsApp or Discord Group. I also loved the feature Ruby AI, which uses AI to summarise WhatsApp conversations. It’s so powerful and valuable way to share content with members.”

Kristin D
