Online Communities Explained: What You Need to Know

Meet John. On nights and weekends, he loves stargazing with his telescope and capturing mesmerising images of space. But his hobby had always been a solitary one – until he discovered GalaxyGazers, an online community of fellow astrophotography enthusiasts.

For the first time, John connected with people as passionate about the cosmos as himself. They bonded over equipment questions, shared editing tips, and nerded out over planetary conjunctions. John finally found his astronomical tribe.

Stories like John’s show the profound power online communities can wield. But what truly defines an engaged digital community versus a random online gathering?

In this guide, we’ll cut through the confusion to explore:

  • What online communities actually are – and are not
  • Core elements that define genuine communities
  • Prominent spaces to build your digital communities
  • Steps to build your online community

Let’s separate fact from fiction and uncover what online communities are all about. Grab a warm drink, settle in under the stars, and let’s get connected!

What is an Online Community?

An online community is a digital space where members interact, share, and build relationships around shared interests, goals, or pursuits. While it may seem that any group on the internet qualifies as an online community, there’s more than meets the eye. It’s the depth of interactions, the bonds formed, and the shared ethos that sets genuine communities apart from the fleeting gatherings of the web.

Online Community

What Online Communities Are NOT

Many assume any online gathering constitutes a community. But this outdated perception ignores key nuances.

For example, social media followings centered around passive content consumption are not true communities. Comment sections filled with anonymous bickering don’t foster real relationships.

An online community involves so much more.

Here are some common examples that are often mistakenly referred to as communities:

Social Media Followings

Amassing a million followers on Instagram may signify influence. But without meaningful interactions and relationships beyond just scrolling posts, it’s not an engaged community.

Followers alone focused on one-way broadcasting don’t constitute a community.

Comment Sections

Comments below articles or videos are closer to communities. But typically anonymous and disconnected from identities, they lack the depth of real relationships where people uplift each other.

Just because a blog post or a YouTube video has hundreds of comments doesn’t mean it’s an online community. While interactions are present, they often lack continuity and deeper bonds.

Forums and Groups

Platform-hosted groups and forums centered around specific topics are also frequently positioned as communities.

But without cultivated cultures of respect, shared purpose, or member ownership, they fall short of genuine communities.

While elements of community may exist in the above examples, they lack key characteristics that define online communities.

Core Elements of Thriving Online Communities

After analyzing diverse digital spaces, we identified these core elements defining a true online community:

Shared Interests and Goals

From photography enthusiasts to tech startups, the foundation of any online community is a shared interest or goal. This commonality fuels discussions and interactions. Members are united by shared passions, purposes, or causes facilitating meaningful interactions. They join to connect around topics they care about.

Ongoing Interactions and Relationships

Not just one-off encounters – consistent connections where members engage in ways that foster relationships and familiarity over time.

Culture of Respect and Inclusiveness

A spirit of mutual understanding, empathy, and appreciation that makes diverse members feel welcomed and valued.

Member-Driven Activities

While community managers or founders play a key role, the true essence of a community lies in its members taking the lead – initiating discussions, hosting events, or even driving membership growth. Rather than passively consuming content, members actively participate in peer-to-peer exchanges, collaborative projects, and shaping community activities.

Sense of Belonging and Shared Identity

Members should feel that they’re part of something bigger. A sense of identity, often fostered by community values, norms, and shared symbols, is crucial. A space where members feel invested in the collective growth and success of the community.

Platform Facilitating Connections

The right platform, whether a specialized community platform or popular social media, is essential. It should support seamless interactions, helping members connect and engage effectively.

A hub providing tools and infrastructure enabling members to build human bonds and collectively pursue their goals.

Communities bringing this cocktail of elements together wield incredible power to impact lives.

Now that we know the ingredients, let’s explore real-world examples of thriving online communities spaces.

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    Spaces To Build Online Communities

    Online communities blossom across countless niches, bringing people together through shared experiences.

    Here are just some of the diverse spaces where you can create online communities:

    WhatsApp Chat Groups

    Small WhatsApp groups united by interests like entrepreneurship, gaming, or parenting become homes where members support each other, forging tight bonds. Though limited in size, the intimacy fosters highly engaged communities.

    While WhatsApp groups offer intimacy, they can leverage’s data analytics to understand member preferences and activity peaks. This can help curate topics that keep conversations flowing, ensuring the group remains dynamic and engaged.

    WhatsApp Chat Groups

    Private Slack/Discord Servers

    For topics like coding, gaming, or niche fandoms, Slack workspaces and Discord servers enable members to dive deep through topic-based channels while socializing casually. Access is often tightly controlled.

    Private servers on Slack or Discord, with their topic-based channels, can utilize’s task management and collaborative features. Whether it’s for coding projects or gaming strategies, members can coordinate efforts seamlessly, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

    Private Slack/Discord Servers

    Public Facebook Groups

    From hyperlocal neighborhood groups to global fan communities, public Facebook Groups continue gaining traction. Their discovery and reach potential is immense, although conversations may lack depth.

    The vastness of public Facebook groups can sometimes be overwhelming.’s event scheduling and notification features can help streamline events or discussions, ensuring members don’t miss out on the topics they’re most passionate about.

    Now you might be wondering, what kind of online communities can you build on these spaces? Let’s explore a few possibilities. 

    Public Facebook Groups

    Brand Communities

    Communities form around brands they love, collaborating to promote products, provide feedback, and collectively build identities. Brands like Nas facilitate these official communities on their owned platforms.

    Brands leveraging can create a more holistic experience for their communities. With’s feedback collection and product integration features, brands can involve their community in the development process, making them feel truly part of the brand’s journey.

    Creator Communities

    Influencers directly engage fans via private communication channels and membership sites, taking follower connections deeper. These exclusive spaces make followers feel valued.

    For influencers looking to deepen their connection with fans,’s monetization tools and exclusive content features can be a game-changer. By offering premium content or experiences, creators can add value to their most loyal followers, fostering a stronger sense of community.

    Passion Project Communities

    Niche hobbyists like gardeners, singers, or factors come together in communities to exchange knowledge, collaborate on projects, and bond over their craft. A shared calling rallies them.

    The artisans, the hobbyists, the aficionados –’s project management tools can help passion-driven communities organize workshops, collaborative projects, or knowledge-sharing sessions. Additionally, its content-sharing feature can be a repository for shared resources or tutorials.

    This small sample reveals the breadth of topics and formats powering thriving online communities that meet members’ diverse needs.

    Key Takeaways on Online Communities

    Online communities are so much more than a mere definition. Which is why understanding them in detail is important as you build your business and think of avenues to grow. Let’s recap on what online communities comprise:

    • Not all online groups constitute communities – It requires meaningful relationships and member-driven experiences.
    • Clarify your community’s shared interests and purpose – This rallies members and guides your strategy.
    • Meet potential members in existing spaces first – Then invite them to your community hub.
    • Facilitate personal connections and a culture of respect – This retains members.
    • Keep community experiences member-driven – Let engaged members shape activities and governance.
    • Continuously gather member feedback – Use insights to improve experiences and tools.
    • Consider a dedicated platform – Robust community-building features streamline managing your growing community.

    The impacts of an online community where every member feels valued and empowered are unlimited. Are you ready to turn your niche interests into meaningful relationships?

    Impacts of an online community

    Join our community of builders and let’s explore how provides the ecosystem for your community to thrive! Start for free today.


    What is a digital community?

    A digital community is a group of people using online tools and platforms to communicate, collaborate, and pursue shared interests or goals through ongoing interactions and relationships.

    Why is an online community important?

    Online communities allow people with niche passions to find their tribe and connect meaningfully regardless of physical location. They empower members through shared knowledge, relationships, and sense of belonging.

    How can I start my own online community?

    Key steps include identifying your niche, meeting potential members in existing spaces, inviting them to your community hub, facilitating discussions and relationships between members, and consistently creating value through content and experiences.

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