Hosted by
Zhi Ling



Sat, 24 Jun

05:00 AM - 07:00 AMfalse


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准备打造你的梦幻婚礼,但感觉无从下手? 不要担心,我们的工作坊将为你提供方案。让你的婚礼策划过程轻松愉快,最重要可以帮你省时省力又省钱。 工作坊适合哪些人? 只要你是那种愿意亲自动手规划婚礼,但又觉得无从下手的新人,我们的工作坊就能满足你的需求。我们提供详尽的步骤指引,助你简单而高效地打造一场既浪漫又温馨的婚礼。 工作坊时间安排 2023年6月24日(星期六) | 晚上01:00PM至03:00 | 平台:Zoom | 主要语言:中文| 即使你无法参加现场也没问题!你也可以无限次观看录播。 主要的内容有: 1. 建立统一的婚礼主题和方向 2. 制作灵感板并进行研究 3. 建立和管理供应商关系 4. 提供预算管理技巧和建议 5. 设计精心安排的婚礼行程 6. 提供协调技巧和建议 专属为你定制: 1. 10天的私人婚礼规划清单与蓝图 2. 灵感板模板 3. 注册与婚宴流程模版 4. 供应商问题备忘录 5. 在专属社区群组中的每月问答环节(3个月) 6. 终身享有课程工具的使用权限 马上加入我们的工作坊吧,用短短10天,轻松的打造你的梦幻婚礼! Ready to plan your dream wedding, but unsure where to begin? By participating in this workshop, you'll save time, money, and stress by learning how to efficiently and effectively plan your special day. **Who is this for?** This workshop is tailored for couples who prefer to plan their own wedding but need guidance in establishing a clear direction. Our workshop offers a step-by-step roadmap to help you effortlessly plan a stunning wedding. **Schedule Options** Saturday, June 24th, 2023 | 1:00pm-3:00pm | Platform: Zoom | Primary Language: Mandarin **Main Topics:** 1.Establishing a cohesive wedding vision and direction 2.Crafting an inspiration board and conducting research 3. Planning and managing vendor relationships 4. Budget management techniques and tips 5.Designing a well-structured wedding itinerary 6. Coordination skills and advice **Bonuses:** 1. 10-Day Private Wedding Planning Checklist 2. Inspiration Board Template 3. ROM & Reception Program template 4. Vendor Question Cheat Sheet 5. Monthly Q&A Sessions in an Exclusive Community Group 6. Lifetime access to all the workshop materials Sign up for our workshop today and plan your dream wedding in just 10 days!
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