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Are you stressed about planning your wedding? Feel like you're being pulled in a thousand directions and not sure where to start? Don't worry, we have the solution! *Our goal is to help you become your very own wedding planner. With our community, you'll get real advice, real experiences, and real people guiding you through this exciting, but often overwhelming process. Take control of your time, costs, and all aspects of your wedding day. Our range of resources, expert advice, and supportive community will empower you to make confident decisions every step of the way. Here's what we offer when you subscribe: 📹 10 Days to Plan Your Wedding Workshop Training (Recorded): This is not just any workshop - it's a ten-day intensive program that guides you through all the crucial aspects of wedding planning. 📝 BONUS Content: 1. Private Wedding Planning 10-Day Checklist 2. Inspiration Board Template 3. ROM & Reception Program Template 4. Vendor Question Cheat Sheet These bonuses are designed to provide a step-by-step structure, keep you inspired, and ensure you ask the right questions to all your potential vendors. 🔵 Monthly Q&A: Every month, we host Q&A sessions on a rotating list of topics, giving you fresh insights and expert advice on the latest trends and challenges in wedding planning. 💡 Exclusive Vendor Interviews: We collaborate with industry leaders to bring you exclusive interviews and insights. This is your backstage pass to the wedding industry! 🌟 Additional BONUS: 1. Wedding Inspiration Ideas Shared Regularly 2. Exclusive Tips to Take Notes on Your Actual Day 3. Experience a Community that guides you through the process With our community, there's no wasting time, no ads, no gimmicks, and no upselling whatsoever. We're all about providing value and helping you save on your wedding budget. 🌍 Plus, when you become a part of our community, you're contributing to a bigger cause. We donate 10% of our community profit to non-profit organizations, striving to create a better community together. Join us today, and start taking control of your wedding planning journey! 💍 "Plan with Us, Impact Together"
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