Prophets of God

By Maymun Yusuf

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Prophets of Allah (God) in Islam In Islam, there are many prophets who are believed to have been sent by Allah (God) to guide humanity towards the right path. Although the exact number of prophets is not known, some Islamic scholars have compiled a list of 25 prophets based on the Quran and Islamic tradition. The 25 prophets are: Adam Idris (Enoch) Nuh (Noah) Hud Salih Ibrahim (Abraham) Isma’il (Ishmael) Ishaq (Isaac) Lut (Lot) Ya’qub (Jacob) Yusuf (Joseph) Shu’aib Ayyub (Job) Dhul-Kifl (Ezekiel) Musa (Moses) Harun (Aaron) Dawud (David) Sulaiman (Solomon) Ilyas (Elijah) Al-Yasa’ (Elisha) Yunus (Jonah) Zakariyya (Zechariah) Yahya (John the Baptist) Isa (Jesus) Muhammad Peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all. It’s important to note that this list is not universally accepted among al
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