At the core of my heart & soul I, Dr. Daria Chrobok, have always been a Scientist & an Artist, however that did not always shine through in my life. I thought I needed to decide between these two passions of mine, so I went on to study Biology & did my PhD. During my PhD I realized that I am not made for the classical academic path & my love for Art creeped into my life again. In a new way, because I realized Science needs Art, desperately. I began to illustrate my own science & people started to ask me for help. So, I decided to start my own company as a scientific Illustrator after my PhD. I have been doing this now almost 5,5 years & it has been an amazing journey! Lots to learn, lots of self-development, realizations, challenges, fulfilling projects, a feeling of contribution to the world, amazing people I worked with, great science I visualized… the list goes on & on… Today I want to share with you my story on how I turned from a scientists, an artist, into an entrepreneur & show you that it is possible to follow your heart, soul & passions to create the life you want!”
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