Joel Woodburn
4mo ago
The House of Prayer Community Center is introducing people to a relationship with God using education on dreams, participation in small group prayer meetings and working together to create a recurring monthly income source to support those willing to help us build this community.
As a Prayer Captain you can work from anywhere, there is no experience required, flexible hours, uncapped recurring income and you can start right away.
Prayer Captains are looking for people in the community who didn’t “trust the science” during the “pandemic” and are willing to stand firm on protecting their individual medical right of choice moving forward.
There is so much evil in the world today that we need to tap into Gods divine intelligence using dreams, God’s divine healing and power through prayer, and God’s divine provision by working together.
Prayer Captains help connect like minded people both online and in small groups. As we grow we will establish physical locations to expand our community services.
The Prayer Captains role is to identify like minded individuals, introduce them to our online community and create a small group that meets once per week for one hour to identify individual needs and pray.
Being a Prayer Captain with The House of Prayer Community Center gives you an opportunity to earn income monthly working towards financial independence.
How do we generate income?
1. Membership Fee.
We charge a $20.00 monthly membership fee.
As a Prayer Captain you receive half of this amount (50%) as a commission for every person who you refer and they become a member.
Once you refer three people you have earned enough that you’ve covered the cost of your membership and are earning income monthly.
The more people you refer the more money you earn. You get paid on each monthly payment, not just the first one. There is no cap to how many people you can sign up or how much you earn.
2. Tithes and Donations
Whenever your referral member gives a donation or tithe, you also receive half of this amount (50%) as a commission. This is all processed through the community website and funds are sent directly to your bank account monthly.
The House of Prayer Community Center takes the majority of our profits (50%) and gives back to our members (Prayer Captains and Community Builders) who are helping us create this community. The other 50% is used to invest in real estate and to build our own physical locations to expand our community services beyond what we provide online and through our small group prayer network.
The House of Prayer Community Center is a community services organization but not a not-for-profit organization so we do not issue tax receipts. Our members receive a much greater benefit of paying tithes and donations to our organization in the form of receiving a monthly growing income over receiving a small tax incentive once a year.
Do you know or willing to find people who didn’t “trust the science” to become a part of this community?
The House of Prayer Community Center is building a network of small group prayer meetings hosted in homes and small group locations around the world.
These meetings will be held on Saturdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm CST (Central Standard Time) with twelve adults being the maximum group size. Children are encouraged to attend and participate, just no more than twelve adults per group.
Once a group reaches the maximum size of twelve, from that group a new location is established and the group is split. A continuous pattern of growth and splitting groups going from house to house, location to location.
The purpose of these meetings is to introduce the local community to the power and presence of God through prayer in a small group setting where everyone’s needs can be heard and addressed.
Meetings are led by Prayer Captains. All Prayer Captains are encouraged to host a weekly prayer service in their home or in a small group setting (coffee shop, restaurant etc.) in their community.
Other than the day, time and duration of the meetings there is no set format. Each Prayer Captain is to pray and ask God to show them in a dream instructions on how to host their meeting.
In general, each participant should be given an opportunity to state what their prayer request is and the group should pray for all requests made during the meeting.
As God answers prayer and people support each other in practical ways, each community will be improved and God’s will be accomplished. Over time, Prayer Captains can introduce members of their prayer group to participate in the Dream Challenge.
Next steps?
1. Sign up as a member.
2. Sign up as an affiliate partner.
3. Use you affiliate link and sign up members to the community and start your small group meetings,
Do these steps and pay nothing while signing up your first referral members for free using code: FREE30. You will start earning commissions at the end of the promotional period.
This post is part of a community
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2 Members
Hosted by
Joel Woodburn