Self Directed Life Membership

USD 24/6 months
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Self-directed Life is a community to support parents and educators in raising motivated and resilient children. Raising the next generation is hard work and can be a lonely journey. It may even involve deep questioning and self-reflection on how you were parented and educated. Joining the paid membership gives you whatsapp access to weekly conversations for you to ponder in a modern interpretation of dialectic questioning. You will have access to: - Private whatsapp community - Website on platform with access to all recordings and courses - Mobile app (via Nas) to access all information and receive updates - at least 1 physical Community Connect meet up every 6 months - at least 1 Guest Speaker event every 6 month + Recordings of all past events - at least 1 free Masterclass workshop every 6 months - discounted or free courses with priority registration Why Self-directed Life Membership is for you? - You want to be vested in a respectful / mindful parenting way, and you want to be better at being a self-directed learner, educator and parent. - You believe that there's a better way to teach than the conventional industralised way of teaching, and you're looking for resources and community. - features of - All past recordings, and consolidated inspirations / feed on - You simply like me and want to support my work which I deeply appreciate :) Hear what members have to say... "​Hi Sheryl, I enjoyed the session. I was curious to meet others in the community and was grateful for the sharing, to know that I’m not alone and to get practical tips on how to manage my own challenges. As moms, we tend to be hard on ourselves and I wanted so much to help where I can by sharing and encouraging others." - Kristy, mother of 2 "​​​Having a community of people going through the same things and knowing you are not alone is deeply encouraging. Sheryl's session jolted me back into the moment and into the big picture to give me practical action to take immediately." - Adila, mother of 4
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