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Let’s Go Mental
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Do you support your athlete Mental Game? - Assessment -

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Let's Build Our Mental Toolkit for Sport Parents! We're embarking on this journey together to support our little athletes, right? But before we dive in, let's take a moment to get real with ourselves. We all want the best for our kids and to strengthen our bond with them, but let's face it, we all start from different points on the map. We see things differently, feel differently, and that's totally okay! So, let's pause, reflect, and tune in to where we're at and how we're feeling. This self-awareness will be our compass, guiding us as we pave the way to our shared destination. You'll find the assessment attached. Take a moment to really dive in. You can grade your answers from 1-10 or simply use yes/no/sometimes—it's up to you. This is our chance to get real about what we truly need. Ready to download the resource and kickstart our journey to Go Mental?
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