November Virtual Grounding & Networking Event for California Perinatal & Reproductive Providers
November Virtual Grounding & Networking Event for California Perinatal & Reproductive Providers

November Virtual Grounding & Networking Event for California Perinatal & Reproductive Providers

Event details
Date/Time: Monday 11/4/2024 at 9:30-10:30am (PST) In this event, you will engage in some grounding skills & get the chance to meet other California perinatal & reproductive providers.*Bring headphones if possible & a journal *9:30am-10:30am pacific time (PST) (*Reminder that all sales are final. Thank you for your understanding!)
3 people attending
Attendees 0
Attendees 1
Attendees 2

This event is part of a community

Connect with The Village

Hosted by Johanna Lee

Online community for reproductive & perinatal providers to connect, ground & share resources. This community includes: -monthly(ish) community meet-ups (bring referral needs, resources, questions & more) -grounding & networking events every other month (next one January 2025) -resource library, including interviews with "the village," recommendations & more Questions? Email me at
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