what's next?

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Dear Community Leaders,

You asked for it. And I am here to deliver.

I chat with many of you on a weekly basis.
And last week, you told me you wanted to know what we're building until the end of the year.

So for the first time ever, I'm sharing with you a public roadmap of Nas.io product.

This is not the complete list, but it's pretty close. Everything below is designed to make your life BETTER.

I hope you're as excited as we are. This will keep all of us busy.

Next up for Nas.io

🚀 New Default Login Experience

Estimated release: Early October

Yes. We're making your member login experience smoother and more secure:

  1. When they log in, we'll send them a verification email code to make sure it's really them.
  2. But don't worry, users who prefer to use a password can still continue via password too or Gmail login.

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🚀 Events 2.0

Estimated release: October & November

We're making Nas.io events even better & stronger with these cool updates:

  1. You will be able to add a chat group specific to your event.
  2. You will be able to put an application form for an event to collect data.
  3. You will finally see who is attending and who is not.
  4. You will be able to customize welcome email.
  5. You will be able to close registration / put sold out status.


🚀 Money Tab 2.0 - Payout improvement

Estimated release: Early-mid October

We're making some more good changes to the Money Tab!

  1. Now, you will be able to see a history of all money payouts to you.
  2. You will have visibility on how the payout is divided up and see if it has been sent or not.

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🚀 Better Checkout Experience For Your Members

Estimated release: Mid - late October

Joining events and buying things in your community will be much easier.
We're making it simpler by putting everything you need on just ONE SCREEN. This should make it easier for your members to join the community, attend an event, or purchase content.

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🚀 Free Trials, Finally!!

Estimated release: Mid October

One of the most awaited features, I must say.
Now, we will enable a Free Trial option that gives people free trial or a discounted rate for the first month, and charge them the full membership price afterwards. This should help increase your membership conversion.


🚀 Nas.io Coming to Latin America!!
Estimated release: October & November

  • We are excited to launch Nas.io in Mexico, Brazil, and the wider Latin America region!
  • Nas.io will support new languages like Spanish and Portuguese.
  • And soon it will support local payment options in those regions.

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More 1% improvements....

  1. Share your created events or content directly on community feed
  2. We will rebuild the Member Portal to make it faster
  3. Allow users to update their payment method
  4. Users can toggle their email notification preferences
  5. Improve Magic Reach writing experience
  6. Embed sign up or checkout widgets
  7. Better insights for Community Managers on the Portal Home Tab

We will do our best to deliver all these products.
Let us know if you have any requests of your own.

Wish us luck,
Nuseir and Team!


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