BPO to Freelancing AMA Session

BPO to Freelancing AMA Session

Event details
Let us help you transition from BPO to freelancing! We have a free AMA session where you can ask current VAs who came from the BPO industry before about their journey to freelancing. Here's the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6031706989?pwd=d3BheVI1Tk8yUVJqSURnVGJUdFZaQT09 This event is exclusive for aspiring VAs who are currently in the BPO industry. See you there! :)
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This event is part of a community

Barangay VA University

Hosted by Jam Blauta

Barangay VA is a community that aims to help all aspiring Filipino Virtual Assistants transition smoothly and land their first client online.
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