Title of Talk: Automating the AI Researcher Abstract: As artificial intelligence progresses at an unprecedented rate, one of the most transformative developments on the horizon is AI’s ability to automate its research process. In "Automating the AI Researcher," Jepson Taylor will explore how AI systems are evolving to assist human researchers and autonomously conduct end-to-end scientific discovery in AI. By designing, executing, and iterating on experiments, these advanced systems promise to accelerate innovation in unimaginable ways. Jepson will delve into the implications of this shift—from exponentially increasing research output and enabling deeper insights to reshaping the role of human researchers and setting the stage for true self-improving AI. Join us as we uncover how automated AI research could redefine the boundaries of possibility, pushing the field forward and sparking profound changes across industries.
Jepson has over 18 years of machine-learning experience. After studying chemical engineering Jepson worked for Intel/Micron in applied semiconductor building process control and fault models. After that, he worked as a quant at a hedge fund on a 600 GPU cluster. Taylor then joined a young Sequoia-backed HR startup called HireVue to run their data group where they delivered 14 patents. In 2017 Jepson co-founded
Zeff.ai with David Gonzalez to pursue deep learning for image, audio, video, and text for the enterprise. Zeff was acquired by DataRobot in 2020 where Jepson worked as their Chief AI Evangelist until joining Dataiku as their Chief AI Strategist. Jepson is currently launching a new AI company focused on the next generation of AI which will be announced in 2024. Jepson is very active in the global startup communities.