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Learn Goal Setting - by Coach AD

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Goal setting functions as a prerequisite to success in most areas of life. Yet sadly, still ninety-five percent of people do not set goals. Who do these ninety-five percent work for? The five percent who do! The acrostic “S.M.A.R.T.” worked well for me for many years. But NLP provided me with a more effective tool for setting goals. How? The NLP model enables us to go beyond mere “goal setting” into the actual “programming” of our minds to drive us towards our desired goal. How does it do this? The “S.M.A.R.T” model worked quite well but it and others like it lack specificity. The brain works primarily from our sensory system (pictures, sounds, feelings). The NLP goal setting model addresses this by getting our goal sensory specific. But it doesn’t stop there. For, the brain not only uses the sensory system, it also uses our word meanings that drive the sensory system. For this reason, the NLP Goal Setting Model makes absolutely sure that we language ourselves for success in life.
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