Indonesia Outdoors Educators

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Outdoor Educator adalah seorang profesional yang mengkhususkan diri dalam mengajar dan memfasilitasi Experiential Learning dalam kegiatan luar ruang. Pendidik luar ruangan bekerja di berbagai sektor, termasuk sekolah, pusat pendidikan lingkungan, program petualangan di luar ruangan, perkemahan musim panas, dan program terapi alam. Tanggung jawab dan kualifikasi khusus dari pendidik luar ruangan dapat bervariasi tergantung pada peran dan jenis program yang mereka ikuti. Powered by: Jelajah Outdoor Jelajah Outdoor was established in 2013 with the aim of providing the best service through comprehensive programs tailored to the needs of our clients. We strongly believe in the involvement of local resources to support the economic development of the local community. With a spirit of collaboration, our goal is to grow and develop together, both internally and externally, in a positive manner, while promoting sustainable resource management.
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