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我們熟悉的聖誕節是12月25日, 聖誕老公公長的樣子就是那個全身紅、有著大大肚子、白白的鬍子、一出場就是HOHOHO~的”可口可樂老人“形象。然而真正的聖誕老人, 源出有自, 不但不是從北極圈來的, 穿的衣服雖然是紅色的, 但是卻有著不一樣的意義。 想知道聖誕老公公的由來嗎?世界上還有許多長得不一樣的聖誕老人喔!12月16日週五台北時間下午17~18點,跟Lara一起來認識不一樣的聖誕老公公吧! #免費的公開課 #上課年齡5~8歲 #有知識的聖誕節
82 people attending
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Attendees 4

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Holistic Education

Hosted by Lara Tseng

Welcome to the "HEC" - Holistic Education Community. Here you can get information related to EDUCATION, which we consider is useful for a children to develop her/his in full perspective. Concept of HOLISTIC, from HOLISM, refers to WHOLE, COMPLETE, not divided into parts. This word reminds us about the Renaissance time, when Da Vincci was not only an artist, designer, inventor, entrepreneur but also a lover of cooking! A person can have varies of interests, talents or even desire. Education is about CURIOSITY, ACTIVE LEARNING, ESTABLISHING a WHOLE human being!
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