Hello all,
Ill be teaching the Stock Market Game to students and teachers in Cameroon as well as Jamaica during the Spring Season Jan 16- May 24, 2024.
To this end, I am inviting teachers and students in Cameroon and teacher and students in Jamaica to join my Stock Market Game Competition.
During the season Investment Teams from Cameroon & Jamaica will meet virtually and in person to plan their investment strategies. I will host a bi-monthly zoom meeting with team leads for updates as well as to provide guidance and support when needed.
Also, during the season we will be attending field trips to local stock exchanges, visiting local businesses, and learning from successful business owners and investors from around the world.
Finally, at the end of the year (summer 2024)I will be hosting a trip to the New York Stock Exchange in New York City for the winning team, their teacher, and parents.
To learn more, please join my informational Zoom meeting on Wednesday January 3, 2024 6pm EST
Here’s the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86834409229?pwd=bldZUjBLeENIbzR6M1VqOFNtUm5lQT09
See you there.
~Karen aka Ez