for Fitness

Transform your
fitness community into
a thriving business

Transform your
fitness community into
a thriving business

Transform your
fitness community into a thriving business

Create a fitness journey from inquiry to
engagement to monetisation in

How works

How works has everything you need to succeed. And more.

Grow your community

Create lead magnets

Create lead magnets

Run a newsletter

Run a newsletter

Host workshops

Host workshops

Create fitness challenges

Create fitness challenges

Manage your way

Own your members' data

Own your members' data

Customized signup forms

Customized signup forms

Detailed member profiles

Detailed member profiles

One-click outreach

One-click outreach

Multiply your money

Paid memberships

Paid memberships

Workout sessions & courses

Workout sessions & courses

1-1 coaching

1-1 coaching

Paid resources (meal plans/recipes)

Paid resources (meal plans/recipes) has everything you need to succeed. And more.

Trusted by fitness creators and communities

Trusted by 100,000+ creators and startups

Different types of fitness programs in one place

Sell workout classes or digital products

Sell workout classes or digital products

Charge a membership fee

Charge a membership fee

Run fitness workshops and challenges

Run fitness workshops and challenges

Host private coaching sessions

Host private coaching sessions

Bring in more clients and members

Create lead magnets to attract new clients

Create lead magnets to attract new clients

Run a newsletter

Run a newsletter

Set up members-only content

Set up members-only content

Simple and beautiful sales website

Simple and beautiful sales website

Run your entire fitness business with one tool

Dashboard for all community activities

Dashboard for all community activities

Actionable insights on your business growth

Actionable insights on your business growth

Easily message members anywhere

Easily message members anywhere

Run free trials, promotions and exclusive discounts

Run free trials, promotions and exclusive discounts

Grow your revenue

Get paid straight to your bank account

Get paid straight to your bank account

Members can buy from anywhere with any currency

Members can buy from anywhere with any currency

Real time earnings analytics

Real time earnings analytics

Add a paywall to anything

Add a paywall to anything

A thriving community
your members will love

Live Feed

Share upcoming workouts, answer questions, and spark real-time motivation!

Community Analytics

Get instant insights into your community's health and member data

Chat Integration

Foster deeper connections with your members through your community chat

AI-Chat summaries

Get daily summaries of relevant key info straight to your inbox.

A thriving
community your members will love

Live Feed

Share upcoming workouts, answer questions, and spark real-time motivation!

Community Analytics

Get instant insights into your community's health and member data

Chat Integration

Foster deeper connections with your members through your community chat

AI-Chat summaries

Get daily summaries of relevant key info straight to your inbox.


as low as 0%.

Choose who pays

You pay

Only 8%* fee for each transaction and keep everything else.


Your members

Creator's choice

Your members contribute an extra 8%* of the total price upon checkout.

*Additional payment-gateway fees and applicable taxes apply. Learn more.

Transform your
fitness community today

Transform your
fitness community today