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Proud to Be Ugly PDF by Dara Ly

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Happiness! What is happiness? How to find happiness? We all are the species created by The Nature, but we denature ourselves by the negative force that doubtlessly destroys the natural force inside. Before looking into further details of this book, we need to learn the truth of the natural force embodied with us since our birth. Just the opposite of happiness lies another rival force called “Unhappiness.” The Nature creates each one of us in so many ways unique to one another, and unmistakably pretty in each one’s right. One should be proud of oneself, for she has received one and only unique self regardless of how that one self could look like, from time to time. In other words, the body or the whole thing of the physical beauty could always transform, but the mind should remain in balance. Because the mind is the creator of the force initially known as “Happiness.” Once the mind is imbalanced, the unnatural force, aka the “unhappiness” will then lure one into thinking about the destruction of one’s harmony. Okay, boring enough? Let me make it simpler. You could be ugly, or you could be pretty, but you should be happy. Why? Read this book if you want to know why.

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Proud to Be Ugly by Dara Ly
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